Every child deserves a great start in life!

Key Contacts

Office Email      info@burgesssports.org   and Mobile Call  07384336925


Alejandra (Ally) Teixido - Chief Executive ally@burgesssports.org and mobile 07792377472


Vernon Neve Dunn - Public Relations and Communication Manager vernon@burgesssports.org and mobile 07703052759


Afruja Khanom - Project Manager - afruja@burgesssports.org and mobile 07384336925



Corresponding Agency Contact Details



In cases where additional support or intervention is required, Burgess Sports recommends reaching out to the following organizations:


  1. NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children)
  2. Childline (For young people experiencing distress or cyberbullying)
  3. UK Safer Internet Centre (For advice on online safety and reporting harmful content)
  4. CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command)
    • Reporting: www.ceop.police.uk/Safety-Centre
  5. Local Safeguarding Board (Southwark)
    • Phone: 020 7525 5000
    • Website: www.southwark.gov.uk/safeguarding
  6. Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) (For reporting harmful or illegal online content)

Charity Commission Number  1171033

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Contact Us

Email      info@burgesssports.org



Our Address

Burgess Sports

44 Addington Square 

London SE5 7LA